601 Red Label Habano Robusto 5 Pk - Cigar Smoke Shop
601 Red Label Habano Robusto 5 Pk Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

601 Red Label Habano Robusto 5 Pk

601 Red Label cigars are full-bodied premium cigars created by Amilcar Perez Castro with an exquisite blend of perfectly-aged Nicaraguan longfillers topped with an attractively oily Nicaraguan Natural Habano wrapper. The 601 Red is blended for the experienced cigar smoker providing a stunning mosaic of well-balanced flavors, while maintaining its complex flavor profile from start to finish with an enticing aroma. If you love robust and peppery Nicaraguan puros, order a box or a 5-pack now.
See more from: 601 Red Label Habano
Wrapper Natural Nicaraguan
Size 5 x 50

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List Price: $33.99