Avo Syncro Nicaragua Robusto - Cigar Smoke Shop
Avo Syncro Nicaragua Robusto Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Avo Syncro Nicaragua Robusto

Avo Syncro Nicaragua Robusto cigars are a luxurious box-pressed treat presented with a perfectly-balanced blend of spicy Nicaraguan Ometepe, Peruvian Olancho, Dominican San Vicente Mejorado, and hybrid Dominican Olor/Piloto tobaccos capped by a flawless Ecuadorian Connecticut Colorado wrapper. Starting with a spicy-peppery profile, the smoke shifts into high gear as notes of earth, sweet wood, and floral flavors enter the mix, ultimately settling into a creamy-smooth, medium-full cigar with an effortless draw, firm ash and a marvelous aroma. If you love complex cigars and the distinctive taste of hearty Nicaraguan tobacco, dont let this cigar pass you by.

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List Price: $178.99