Avo Syncro Nicaragua Toro - Cigar Smoke Shop
Avo Syncro Nicaragua Toro Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Avo Syncro Nicaragua Toro

Avo Syncro Nicaragua Toro cigars present an outstanding new blend handcrafted with the most select Nicaraguan Ometepe, Peruvian Olancho, Dominican San Vicente Mejorado, and hybrid Dominican Olor/Piloto tobaccos box-pressed in a gorgeously dark and oily Ecuadorian-grown Connecticut wrapper. Starting with spicy and peppery flavors, this cigar evolves into a smooth, and creamy smoke with notes of earth and wood along with sweet and floral flavors further enhanced by a seductive aroma. A MUST for Avo fans, as well as cigar smokers who crave dark, full-flavored, and complex cigars with perfect balance.

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List Price: $196.99