Best Of Cigar Samplers Coffee Bargain Sampler - Cigar Smoke Shop
Best Of Cigar Samplers Coffee Bargain Sampler Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Best Of Cigar Samplers Coffee Bargain Sampler

Cigars and coffee - a combo thats tough to beat. So hereandrsquo;s an all-in-one package thatandrsquo;s sure to rile your tastebuds! Presented here are 3 pairs of cigars from three of the leading makers of flavor-infused cigars. Brimming with rich coffee flavor, now you can savor the Tatiana Mocha, Isla Del Sol and the Odyssey Coffee at a great price! Get your bean fix from our Coffee Bargain Sampler - order now!
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List Price: $20.99