Cohiba Serie M Prominente - Cigar Smoke Shop
Cohiba Serie M Prominente Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Cohiba Serie M Prominente

A treasure to behold, Serie M Prominente is part of the first Cohiba brand to be rolled in the United States. A natural light brown Nicaragua Corojo wrapper leaf give it a natural sweetness, and the Piloto Cubano binder, Nicaraguan long filler core provides a full body and creamy texture. Notes of wood, spices, peppers, and a slight hint of coffee complete this divine smoke.This Cohiba creation is manufactured at El Titan de Bronze cigar factory in Miami, well known for building world-renowned cigars for Drew Estate, and theyve done an exemplary job creating this delectable blend. Add a box of 10 to your next cigar shipment!
See more from: Cohiba Serie M
Wrapper Maduro
Size 7 x 50

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List Price: $299.90