Davidoff Cigarillos Davidoff Mini Cigarillo Silver - Cigar Smoke Shop
Davidoff Cigarillos Davidoff Mini Cigarillo Silver Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Davidoff Cigarillos Davidoff Mini Cigarillo Silver

The Davidoff Family of Geneva, Switzerland has been producing the worlds finest luxury cigars for the most discriminating of smokers for generations. Truly rare gems, Davidoff cigars are as close to perfect in character, aroma and quality as it gets. If you seek a highly refined and luxurious cigar for a special occasion or have the means to enjoy a moment of intense pleasure, relaxation and happiness on a daily basis, make Davidoff cigars your cigar of choice.
See more from: Davidoff Cigarillos
Wrapper Natural
Size 3 1/2 x 20

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List Price: $0.91