Davidoff Colorado Claro Davidoff Colorado Special T 3P - Cigar Smoke Shop
Davidoff Colorado Claro Davidoff Colorado Special T 3P Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Davidoff Colorado Claro Davidoff Colorado Special T 3P

Davidoff Colorado Claro Special T cigars are part of a rare series produced in very small quantities for cigar smokers who crave a unique taste experience. Each cigar features a double band that graces a shimmering, reddish-brown Ecuadorian sun-grown Connecticut wrapper with a much stronger taste. A spicy start rounds off to creamy flavors of sweet wood and continues to build toward a marvelously full-flavored and complex smoke with a tantalizing aroma. Order your box of this very special limited edition selection now.
See more from: Davidoff Colorado Claro
Wrapper Natural
Size 6 x 50

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List Price: $86.10