Davidoff Limited Edition Davidoff Maduro L.E. Short Corona - Cigar Smoke Shop
Davidoff Limited Edition Davidoff Maduro L.E. Short Corona Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Davidoff Limited Edition Davidoff Maduro L.E. Short Corona

Davidoff Limited Edition cigars represent the crme de la crme of this renowned luxury cigar label. The cigars on this page are released annually, and because theyre made in very limited quantities you dont want to wait too long, or you may not have the pleasure of enjoying them. So, if youre looking for a very special cigar for yourself, or want to give the gift of the good life to that special friend, relative, or client, youve come to the right page.
See more from: Davidoff Limited Edition
Wrapper Maduro
Size 4 x 43

Product Reviews

5 out of 5 based on 19 user ratings

List Price: $860.00