Famous Dominican Selection 5000 Famous Dominican 5000 Gordo - Cigar Smoke Shop
Famous Dominican Selection 5000 Famous Dominican 5000 Gordo Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Famous Dominican Selection 5000 Famous Dominican 5000 Gordo

Dominican Selection 5000 cigars are a budget-friendly option made in Tamboril by Abe Flores, of Pinar Del Rio cigars. Mild to medium-bodied, the blend consists of fully-aged Dominican Piloto Cubano Ligero, Seco, and Bezuki long-fillers, Dominican Olor binders, and Ecuadorian Connecticut wrappers. The smoke is well-balanced with a rich, nutty flavor, with an appealing note of sweet tobacco on the finish. All in all, a high-quality, premium handmade cigar you can enjoy at a very sensible price.
See more from: Famous Dominican Selection 5000
Wrapper Natural
Size 6 x 60

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List Price: $48.99