Famous Nicaraguan Selection 1000 Churchill Maduro - Cigar Smoke Shop
Famous Nicaraguan Selection 1000 Churchill Maduro Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Famous Nicaraguan Selection 1000 Churchill Maduro

Nicaraguan Selection 1000 cigars are medium-bodied premium cigars handmade at one of Nicaraguas top factories. The cigars are blended with Nicaraguan longfiller tobaccos rolled in your choice of aromatic Indonesian wrappers with sweetened caps, or richer-tasting Broadleaf Maduro wrappers. The smoke is smooth, well-balanced and earthy with notes of caramel and sweet spice on the finish. If youre a bargain hunter, order a bundle now and taste for yourself. Youll be pleasantly surprised.
See more from: Famous Nicaraguan Selection 1000
Wrapper Maduro
Size 7 x 50

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List Price: $46.99