Famous Nicaraguan Selection 5000 Churchill - Cigar Smoke Shop
Famous Nicaraguan Selection 5000 Churchill Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Famous Nicaraguan Selection 5000 Churchill

Famous Nicaraguan Selection 5000 Churchill cigars are another gem handmade at Tabacalera Fernandez. Somehow, this is AJs idea of a budget cigar: A+ tobaccos, extraordinary craftsmanship, and sold for a fraction of the price of his usual award-winners. Each vitola dons a dark, sweet n peppery Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper that surrounds a core of robust Nicaraguan longfillers and a milder Indonesian binder. The result: a perfectly-balanced cigar with superb construction and burn. If full-bodied flavor floats your boat, this is one cigar thats hard to ignore - especially at these prices. Add a bundle of Nic 5000 Churchills to your cart now!

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List Price: $51.99