Famous VSL Nicaragua Robusto - Cigar Smoke Shop
Famous VSL Nicaragua Robusto Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Famous VSL Nicaragua Robusto

VSL Nicaragua cigars are the third installment of the Viso, Seco, Ligero series. Handcrafted at Tabacalera San Rafael in Estel, this full-bodied blend boasts Nicaraguan Viso, Seco and Ligero longfillers, Habano binder, and a very flavorful dark Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. The smoke is complex, well-balanced and brimming with rich flavors of cedar, nutmeg, sweet spices, a note of espresso, and an enticing aroma. Another great-tasting cigar at a very affordable price. Order your bundle now.
See more from: Famous VSL Nicaragua
Wrapper Natural Nicaraguan
Size 5 x 50

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List Price: $20.99