Famous Vitolas Especiales Churchill - Cigar Smoke Shop
Famous Vitolas Especiales Churchill Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Famous Vitolas Especiales Churchill

Vitola Especiale cigars are a medium-bodied, luxury-class series priced so low its almost insulting to the cigars. Expertly handcrafted in Nicaragua, a diverse all-Nicaraguan longfiller core is rolled in an attractive and sweeter low-priming Ecuadorian Sumatra leaf. The cigars are aged 5 years in cedar crates for the ultimate in smoothness, flavor and balance. A creamy-earthy start blooms into a mellow and aromatic smoke with a rich-tasting cedar wood base. Try this truly AMAZING value now!
See more from: Famous Vitolas Especiales
Wrapper Natural
Size 7 x 48

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List Price: $23.99