Herrera Esteli Habano Herrera Esteli Robusto Extra - Cigar Smoke Shop
Herrera Esteli Habano Herrera Esteli Robusto Extra Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Herrera Esteli Habano Herrera Esteli Robusto Extra

Herrera Esteli cigars are blended by the esteemed Willy Herrera as a tribute to the old Cuban style cigar. The process starts off using the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos from Esteli with Honduran binders and Ecuadorian seed Habano wrappers. They are then wrapped entubado style, a rare and extremely difficult style of rolling used primarily in Cuba. The result is a cigar with a taste unlike anything Drew Estate has ever created. Truly magnificent in every way. Pick yours up now.

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List Price: $194.99