Jet Line Lighters Jetline JL-Villano Red V Cut - Cigar Smoke Shop
Jet Line Lighters Jetline JL-Villano Red V Cut Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Jet Line Lighters Jetline JL-Villano Red V Cut

Jet Line cigar lighters offer a variety of unique styles, reliable functionality, durability, ease of use, and incredible value. Available in your choice of torch flames, vibrant colors, and finishes, each Jet Line cigar lighter also comes with a lifetime guarantee. If youre looking for a cigar lighter that has all the features and quality of the high-priced models without the wallet shrinking price, order the Jet Line lighter thats right for you and say good-bye to <i>los cheapos</i>.
See more from: Jet Line Lighters
Wrapper Red

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List Price: $48.99