Nicaraguan Factory Selects Robusto - Cigar Smoke Shop
Nicaraguan Factory Selects Robusto Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Nicaraguan Factory Selects Robusto

Thereandrsquo;s not really much of a mystery behind our Nicaraguan Factory Select Robusto cigars. Obviously there is a Nicaraguan factory involved; it belongs to Jesus Fuego, and he (ahem) andquot;selectedandquot; a ginormous overrun of Robustos that had accumulated at his place. He called us up, made us an offer, and we said sure. Now that these Factory Selects have landed, however, we donandrsquo;t plan to keep them around for long andndash; cigars arenandrsquo;t for looking at, theyandrsquo;re meant for you to smoke them. So we priced these Robustos accordingly, and here we are. Robust Central American tobaccos (mostly from Nicaragua) are clad in a dark Habano wrapper, burning with full body. And in case you were wondering, YES andndash; we back these budget smokes with the same Famous Freshness Guarantee. Easily checks all the boxes for an all-purpose, daily burn: order your bundle today!

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List Price: $34.99