PDR Jose Rey Sumatra Churchill - Cigar Smoke Shop
PDR Jose Rey Sumatra Churchill Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

PDR Jose Rey Sumatra Churchill

PDR Josandeacute; Rey Sumatra Churchill cigars are an exceptional, affordably-priced smoke that perfectly balances robustness and refinement in a medium-bodied blend. Crafted at PDR Cigars Factory in Tamboril, Dominican Republic, the blend starts with an oily Indonesian Sumatra wrapper that embraces a select Dominican binder and filler tobaccos. The cigars are completed with a capa dulce, which lends a subtle sweetness to the cigarandrsquo;s spicy, woody, and creamy floral flavor profile. Blended for smokers of every experience level; discover this sweet, savory, and long burning smoke experience by adding a bundle to your cart today.
See more from: PDR Jose Rey
Wrapper Natural
Size 7 x 50

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List Price: $154.99