Parodi Superiore 25/2 - Cigar Smoke Shop
Parodi Superiore 25/2 Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Parodi Superiore 25/2

Parodi Superiore 25/2 cigars are dry-cured, machine-made cigars blended with 100 percent American-grown tobaccos from Tennessee and Kentucky. Highly respected since their introduction in 1913, the blend of leaves includes not less that three different crop years, which contributes to the medium-bodied flavor of these cigars. Parodi Superiore 25/2 cigars are made in the good ol U.S. of A in Scranton, PA by the same folks who make Avanti cigars.
See more from: Parodi
Wrapper Maduro Kentucky-Tennessee
Size 6 1/2 x 40

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List Price: $93.99