Romeo y Julieta Capulet 10th Anniversay San Andres Toro - Cigar Smoke Shop
Romeo y Julieta Capulet 10th Anniversay San Andres Toro Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

Romeo y Julieta Capulet 10th Anniversay San Andres Toro

Romeo y Julieta House of Capulet cigars are an exciting new addition to the esteemed Romeo y Julieta imprint, that promises to be another classic. Named for the House of Capulet (Juliets crib), this cigar features a smooth blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan fillers, a Nicaraguan binder, and a creamy Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This cigar perfectly captures the sweetness and spice of the young love-bird. Order yours today and discover this enchanting and most satisfying selection.
See more from: Romeo y Julieta Capulet
Wrapper Maduro
Size 6 x 52

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List Price: $83.99