S.T. Dupont Mini Jet Mat Black - Cigar Smoke Shop
S.T. Dupont Mini Jet Mat Black Cigars at Cigar Smoke Shop

S.T. Dupont Mini Jet Mat Black

S.T. Dupont lighters are manufactured in strict accordance with a tradition of perfection, quality and consistency in their work. Lighters undergo 500 to 600 basic treatments and around 70 parts, and the manufacturing process lasts for around 4 to 5 months in general. Every article is unique because the worker who assembles the lighter engraves his initials under the striker wheel. These initials reflect the quiet pride that goes into manufacturing the object.
See more from: S.T. Dupont

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5 out of 5 based on 29 user ratings

List Price: $150.00
REF: LG-DUP-010503